(Image credit: Future)
A monocular can be a great addition to your outdoor gear, perfect for observing wildlife, enjoying scenic landscapes, or even basic astronomy. Right now, Adorama has a great deal on one of the most affordable monoculars, the Vortex Solo 10×36, which is currently at its lowest price of the year at just $129.99.
Get the Vortex Optics Solo 10×36 Waterproof Monocular for $129.99 at Adorama.
The Vortex Optics Solo 10×36 Monocular has over 1,500 five-star reviews on Amazon, and in our review of its 8×36 counterpart, we described its specs this way: “The Vortex Optics Monocular is a solid tool with a lightweight, durable design that produces clear images and has good low-light performance.”
Vortex Optics Solo 10×36 Monocular: was $179.99 now $129.99 at Adorama US
Save $50 on the excellent Vortex 10×36 Monocular. With 10x magnification and a 36mm objective lens, the Solo has a compact and lightweight design at just 9.7 ounces. Fully multi-coated lenses, increased light transmission, and resolution provide superior image quality. Vortex also offers an unlimited, unconditional lifetime warranty.
Full Review: Vortex 8×36 Monocular
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We found the similar monocular featured here to be a great all-rounder. (Photo by Matt Morris)
The 36mm lens on this model is large enough to let in plenty of light. (Photo by Matt Morris)
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