Video: A giant egg cracked and another egg was found inside
Rob Griffin and his daughters crack open a giant egg laid by their chicken and find another egg inside.
In today's world, it's not the size of the chicken that matters, but the size of the eggs it lays.
Rob Griffin and his family were recently shocked when their chicken laid an egg that was three times the size of a normal egg.
Griffin, 38, who lives in England with his three daughters Ruby, 12, Elsie, nine, and Olive, three, told news agency SWNS it took their hen Gail five hours to lay the huge egg.
The egg weighed more than 6 ounces, Griffin said.
Typically, Gail's eggs weigh about an ounce, while a large supermarket egg weighs about 2.5 ounces, according to SWNS.
Rob Griffin's chicken laid an egg that was three times bigger than normal. (Rob Griffin/SWNS)
The video shows Griffin opening the rarity and finding another shell inside.
Griffin and one of his daughters can be heard exclaiming, “What?”
One of the girls mentions a “double yolk,” to which her father corrects her, explaining that they have a “double yolk.”
“My eldest daughter went into the hen house to check if the hens had laid anything and came out with this huge egg,” Griffin told SWNS. “It was the size of an ostrich egg.”
Griffin initially thought “someone had planted it” as a joke.
“It was about three times the size of a standard egg,” he added.
Griffin displayed the giant egg next to a regular one to illustrate the point. (Rob Griffin/SWNS)
He described it as “an unusual event.”
“We couldn't believe it,” Griffin said.
“We thought it would be an egg with two yolks, but when the second one appeared, we were in complete shock. I didn't even know that was possible.”
Griffin told SWNS he cracked the smaller egg, which appeared to be normal and had its own yolk.
Griffin and his daughters were “shocked” when another egg fell out of the giant egg. “I didn't even know that could happen,” Griffin said. (Rob Griffin/SWNS)
Gail and another chicken named Dorothy have been living with the family for about a year.
Griffin noted that they had never seen anything like it before – and may never see it again.
The amazing hen appears to be laying normal sized eggs again.