Man, 43, claims he’s Europe’s coronavirus ‘patient zero’ and got bug in December
Amirouche Hammar was admitted to a hospital in Paris
Amirouche Hammar was admitted to a hospital in Paris
Last updated May 5 at 12:39 p.m. E.D.T. As of May 5 there are 5,630 COVID-19 cases in the state of Nevada, according to the tracker updated by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University. This makes…
On April 19, a protestor in Helena, Montana holds up a sign to protest stay-at-home measures. Similar protests have taken hold across the country over the past couple of weeks. By June, there could be nearly twice as many coronavirus…
Researchers conduct COVID-19 testing in Garfield Park, San Francisco as part of a mass testing effort in part of the city’s Mission District neighborhood. A COVID-19 mass testing effort within San Francisco’s Mission District — which aimed to broadly test…
THE earthquake just south of Crete was predicted by a tremor forecaster who claims to use the alignments of the planets to foresee earthquakes. A huge 6.5 magnitude earthquake struck just south of the island of Crete on May 2,…
CRETE’S earthquake has sparked fears the apocalypse is nigh as conspiracy theorists have claimed the sign was referenced in the Bible. Greece’s popular tourist island of Crete was rocked by a major earthquake registering 6.5 magnitude. The powerful tremor hit…