Coronavirus: Nostradamus prediction of plague is COVID-19 – shock claim

CORONAVIRUS was foretold by the 16th-century prophet Nostradamus, according to bizarre conspiracy claims made online.

Although Nostradamus died nearly 500 years ago, many are convinced the French physician foresaw the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic. Nostradamus is believed by many to have been a powerful clairvoyant who predicted many world events that have happened and many yet to come.


    Nostradamus’ followers credit the man with predicting the rise of Adolf Hitler in 1933 and the Great Fire of London.

    Now, with more than 315,000 people being infected by the novel coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) conspiracy theorists are looking to Nostradamus once again.

    One man, in particular, is certain he has cracked the code of Nostradamus’writings from 1555.

    Nostradamus shared his supposed prophecies and visions of the future in four-lined poems called quatrains.


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    According to Twitter user Twinkle Matthew, Nostradamus wrote of the coronavirus in a quatrain previously mistaken as an earthquake warning.

    The quatrain mentions plague and fire but is otherwise vague about its true meaning.

    Mr Matthew tweeted: “It looks like Nostradamus indeed did predict the corona virus however it was mis-interpreted as a prediction for earthquake.

    “I have attempted to interpret it and it looks quite accurate.”

    He then shared his personal interpretation of Nostradamus’ cryptic words.

    The passage in question is Century 2, Quatrain 56.

    Nobody has ever used Nostradamus’ writings to predict a future event

    Brian Dunning, Skeptoid poscast

    Mr Matthew wrote: “Nostradamus Prediction that was interpreted as an earthquake earlier.

    “‘The sloping park, great calamity,

    “‘Through the Lands of the West and Lombardy

    “‘The fire in the ship, plague and captivity;

    “‘Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn fading.'”

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    “Sloping Park – HANKO JIANGTAN Park in Wuhan has slopes to the river waterfront where people can walk into the water.

    “Lands of the west and Lombardy – Europe, Australasia and America and Lombardy (Italy).

    “Fire in the ship – Ships symbolise trade, commerce and wealth, red considered colour of fire.

    “Plague – Corona virus

    “Captivity – city lockdown

    “Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn Fading – Beginning of January 23rd, 24th Jan 2020.

    “Wuhan was placed under effective quarantine on January 23 as air and rail departures were suspended.”

    But is there any credibility to these outrageous claims made online?

    According to Brian Dunning, a renowned sceptic and host of the Skeptoid podcast, anyone who claims to have interpreted Nostradamus’ vague passages, does so with a great deal of hindsight.

    He said on his podcast: “How accurate are his predictions? You could fill a library with books claiming to match quatrains with major events in world history – all, of course, deciphered and published after those events occurred.

    “The straight fact is that nobody has ever used Nostradamus’ writings to predict a future event in specific terms which later came true.”


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