Yellowstone's 'wolf queen' was killed by a rival pack after living 11 years and giving birth to 10 litters of puppies

In December, wolf 907F, known as the Yellowstone wolf, died in a skirmish with a rival pack. (Photo by Taylor Rabe)

Yellowstone National Park has lost one of its most famous and resilient residents, a one-eyed, 11-year-old wolf who gave birth to a record 10 puppies during her long life.

Wolf 907F, affectionately nicknamed the “Queen of the Wolves” for her dominant position in the Junction Butte pack, died on Christmas Day (December 25, 2024) after a confrontation with another pack.

Wolf 907F lived more than twice as long as the average lifespan of gray wolves in Yellowstone, which is just four to five years. Her longevity and status as a matriarch have made her a legendary figure in the park's ecosystem and among wildlife enthusiasts.

The incidents that led to her death began Dec. 22, when wolf 907F and her puppies were feasting on a bison carcass on the north bank of the Yellowstone River, Cowboy State Daily reported. Members of the rival Rescue Creek pack, usually confined to the south bank, unexpectedly crossed the river and got into a violent confrontation with 907F's group.

Although wolf 907F survived the initial encounter, her injuries were fatal. Her radio collar, which was being monitored by Yellowstone biologists, registered no movement on December 26, indicating that she had died the day before.

“It's sad. But for all of us involved in the project, we always hoped to see a wolf die a natural death and not at the hands of a human,” Taylor Rabe, a wildlife specialist with the Yellowstone Wolf Project, told Cowboy State Daily.

One of Yellowstone's oldest wolves

In 2024, wolf 907F gave birth to her tenth litter of puppies at the age of 11.

Wolf 907F was one of only six wolves recorded to survive to age 11 since being reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in 1995, Smithsonian Magazine reported.

Wolf 907F was no stranger to adversity. Scientists believe she lost her left eye when she was around four years old, though the cause remains unknown. Wolf 907F also battled mange, a skin infection caused by microscopic mites that burrow into the skin and can be life-threatening.


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