The installation, called Connected Heartbeat, measures nearly four by four metres and lights up in real time as calls are made, texts are sent and data is connected.
Trafalgar Square has a huge 'beating heart' that responds to human interaction. Known as the Connected Heartbeat, the installation covers an area of almost four by four metres and lights up in real time as calls, messages and data are sent on the Vodafone London network.
The most spectacular time to watch your heart beat may be 7:01 p.m., as a study of 2,000 adults found that this is when phone calling and texting activity peaks.
The average adult sends around 28 messages to friends and family each day – that's more than 10,000 messages a year – and Londoners are the heaviest mobile phone users in the country.
Vodafone unveiled the installation and research to celebrate being named London's Best Network by NET CHECK for the second year running.
The initiator of the glowing heart was TV presenter Roman Kemp, who called on pedestrians to activate the “beat” of the heart using their network connections.
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He said: “I've lived in the capital for many years now and to see my fellow Londoners wake up and interact with each other in real time throughout the day and have it become a work of art is truly remarkable. I've never seen anything like it.”
The survey found that only 10% of people make phone calls frequently, putting it in fourth place behind WhatsApp messages (51%), SMS (16%) and social media updates (14%).
However, in London, there are an average of 13 million voice calls made every day. The average adult also participates in eight different group chats, with 25-34 year olds leading 12 different groups, according to Vodafone.
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More than two-thirds of respondents believe that daily digital communication is essential for maintaining relationships with loved ones. In addition, six in ten people believe that communication with loved ones would be significantly reduced if it were not for mobile phones.
Andrea Dona, Chief Network Officer and Networks Director at Vodafone UK, commented: “Seeing our network come to life in such a stunning way is exciting and something that has never been seen before.”
“Every day we power millions of connections across the city, and there’s no better way to celebrate than by lighting them up with bright lights.
“We understand how important it is to stay connected day and night, whether for work or to connect with loved ones on the go.”