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Earthquakes (stars) send seismic waves rippling through the planet. Seismometers (blue triangles) detect them on the other side. Thirty years of seismic data revealed where those seismic waves slowed down (purple and orange splotches), pointing to mysterious inner-Earth structures called…
The Newgrange passage tomb is one of the earliest and most elaborate Neolithic monuments in Ireland, but several hundred others are found throughout the country. Ancient genetic material extracted from human bones buried in Ireland’s famous Newgrange tomb come from…
America may be reopening, but the new coronavirus hasn’t gone away — indeed, many U.S. states have seen worrisome rises in COVID-19 cases in recent weeks. But is there a point at which these rises should trigger the return of…
Port Stephens in Australia was one of the places where the robotic gliders found an underwater river. Massive, underwater rivers have been discovered hidden off Australia’s coasts by robotic ocean gliders. These rivers could be critical for moving material from…
Next to the park’s new sign is “Flo the Whale,” a mascot that a local community member created in anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the exploding whale event. A newly-named Oregon park commemorates an important (and gory) piece of…