Dramatic twist in mystery of three young women found dead in beach hotel room

Kawthar Nakkad, 23, Iman Mallah, 24, and Wafae El Arar, 26, were found dead in their hotel room at the Royal Kahal Beach Resort in San Pedro, Belize, on February 22.

Three young American women found dead in their Belize hotel room may have been victims of carbon monoxide poisoning, it has been reported.

Kawthar Nakkad, 23, Iman Malla, 24, and Wafae El Arar, 26, were staying at the Royal Kahal Beach Resort in San Pedro during a visit to the Central American country. The tourists were found dead in their room by hotel staff on February 22, with local authorities saying they died of “acute pulmonary edema,” meaning fluid had accumulated in the lungs.

Belize Commissioner Chester Williams told local media that investigators noticed foam on the women's lips, which could indicate a possible drug overdose. Alcohol and “jelly beans” were also reportedly found in their room.

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However, friends and families of the three women have expressed dissatisfaction with the police version of events, saying they doubt Kauthar, Iman and Wafae were drug users. The women's remains have been sent back to the United States, where a second autopsy is being conducted in their home state of Massachusetts.

Tests are expected to take about a month, but a source close to the families of the three tourists says preliminary results have shown that the fluid build-up in the women's lungs could be caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. The source told the Daily Mail that there have been other cases of carbon monoxide poisoning at the beach resort, including another American woman.

Earlier, Belize Fire Service Chief Colin Gillett told local media that carbon monoxide poisoning had been ruled out following an investigation. The women's families made their first public statements on Monday, sharing photos of the women, saying they wanted to honor “Kautar, Iman and Wafae by telling the world about the girls we knew and loved.”

The families said: “The circumstances surrounding this tragedy remain unclear and suspicious, and we are seeking answers to understand what happened in Belize. We call on the authorities in Belize and the United States to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation so that we can learn the truth and achieve justice for Kautara, Iman and Wafae.”

“Our families are grateful for the love and support we have received during this difficult time. We ask for continued prayers, patience and privacy as we process this profound grief.”

The Mirror has contacted the Royal Kahal Beach Resort, the Belize Police Department and Belize Fire Service Chief Colin Gillett for comment.

Sourse: www.mirror.co.uk

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