Couple's adoption of 'big dog' turns out to be something else

A woman's parents took in a dog they thought was rescued, but received shocking news during a routine visit to the vet.

Adopting a dog from a shelter is a big commitment, especially if its background is unknown. That's what one couple realized when they unwittingly adopted a wolf-dog hybrid, thinking they were just getting a “big dog.”

The woman shared on her Tumblr page how her mother decided to get a new furry friend after losing her beloved German Shepherd, Kops, who died from an illness. She wrote: “After a short period of mourning, mom and dad decided to adopt a dog together as a couple.”

In 1987, they visited an animal shelter in Palo Alto, California, which the woman said was not a high-quality facility at the time.

The staff seemed delighted by her mother's preference for large dogs, offering them a “large dog for experienced owners” at a reduced adoption fee. Despite the odd offer, her parents didn't suspect anything was amiss.

When they saw the massive 100-pound creature, they fell in love and quickly secured an adoption. They named her Mazel, short for Mazel Tov, and went home with their new pet.

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Reflecting on Mazel's ingenuity, she said: “The police stored his food in a plastic trash can in the garage for six years without incident.”

But Mazel had bypassed this storage method in minutes. She managed to open the doors and remove the locking lid from the can in just six minutes, eating about four pounds of food before her mother noticed the unusual silence.

The woman added: “Most dogs bark at or chase squirrels. Mazel tracked and caught one on the second day and brought it to my mother as an offering. Mazel knew all the commands but clearly paused to think before obeying, and within a week had trained my father to give her tasty treats.”

“The locks on the side gate of the yard were open, and she wandered around the neighborhood, but always returned home for dinner.”

Realizing that Mazel was significantly smarter than any other dog they had ever had, her mom decided to take her to the vet for a routine checkup. It was only then that she learned the truth about her rescue dog.

She recalled: “Dr. Hamada walked into the exam room, threw down a clipboard and said, 'Where the hell did you find the wolf?'

“After some investigation and a very disgruntled Dr. Hamada at the shelter, they concluded that Mazel was a high content hybrid, probably with a husky, but who would be restless for the rest of her life.”

Being an experienced owner, her mother decided to keep Mazel and all seemed to be going well until she became pregnant two years later.

“Maisel noticed right away and responded by digging a big hole in the yard and catching more squirrels for my mom because she needed squirrels or something,” she added. “On my grandma's advice, my mom stayed overnight at the hospital after I was born, and my dad came home wearing a shirt with the scent of my mom and me on it.”

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    A Tumblr user recalls, “Maisel spent the entire night thinking about it. When my mom brought me home the next morning, I immediately recognized the 'puppy.' Maisel turned into the most caring, motherly creature I've ever encountered.”

    “She played with me on the blanket, sat under my chair during mealtimes, slept under my crib, and even helped me learn to walk by letting me grab onto her fur and shuffle around.”

    The family ignored a veterinarian's advice to give their wolfdog to a new home, instead showing off Mazel's active role in helping with childcare.

    Veterinarian Dr. Hamada was amazed to see a small child examining Mazel's teeth and eventually gave in when the family announced they were expecting another baby.

    Mazel lived a long and happy life and passed away peacefully in her sleep at the age of 19, leaving behind a family who cherished the memories of the time spent with her.


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