In 2025, Russia plans to withdraw from the ISS project and start building its own orbital station. A statement to this effect was made by Roscosmos management and published on the corporation’s website.

The station will be launched into a polar orbit with an inclination of 97°, which will provide a full view of the Earth’s surface. Its first element will be the science and energy module (SEM). It was created for the ISS and its launch was originally announced back in 2019, but has been postponed several times since then. As a result, it was decided to keep the NEM for the new station. According to Roscosmos, the module will be modernized and receive the latest control, power, docking and life support systems. An Angara-A5 rocket is going to be used for its launch.
In 2028 the base module will be added to the NEM, followed by the hub and the airlock. At the second stage (2030-2035) the target and production modules will be added, as well as the spacecraft servicing platform. Scientific equipment will be placed outside, and the robots will work with it under the control of a s t r o n a u t s.
It is worth noting that Roscosmos said it was ready to continue to operate the Russian segment of the ISS with the “financial participation of the United States. In turn, NASA has not made any statements about Russia’s plans to withdraw from the ISS p r o j e c t.