WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Luca Manolache, a devoted football fan and player for the Metaloglobus Bucure'ti team, lost his life in a Bucharest hospital after choking on his own fluids
A young footballer who had been suffering from an unknown illness for months has died after an alarming call from his mother before choking on stomach acid.
Luca Manolache played as a midfielder for Romanian side Metaloglobus Bucure'ti until August 2024, when a series of incidents forced him to retire. The 19-year-old began to suffer from chronic fatigue, dizziness, chills and blood in his stool, and his parents and teammates noticed that he was having difficulty finishing the first half of football matches.
His coach initially believed that Luka was not preparing for the games properly, but his symptoms became so severe that during one game an ambulance had to be called when Luka reported that his vision was blacking out. Doctors soon pulled him from the games, but he died due to severe internal bleeding that led to him vomiting blood profusely.
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Chest X-rays and blood tests performed after Luca fell ill initially showed normal results, and doctors concluded he likely had a severe infection. He was given doxycycline, paracetamol and the painkiller algocalmin. On February 28, he began feeling very ill while outside the home with a family member, said his mother, Ana Maria Manolache, who called an ambulance.
Ana told local media that her son called her while she was in Bucharest, Romania, where she works. As his condition worsened, in a short conversation, Luca became scared and said, “Mom, Mom, I can’t take it anymore.” He then asked her, “Do you think I’m dying?” While in the ambulance, Luca began to complain that he couldn’t see anything.
Ana rushed to her son, who was taken to the county hospital in Targoviste, Romania. Unfortunately, she did not make it in time, and his sister called her to tell her he had died. Despite vomiting profusely blood, doctors tried hard to save his life, but his body began to react negatively to the stomach acid, causing him to choke.
Doctors told Ana that the circumstances of her son's death were extremely rare. His passing was unexpected, leaving his family and teammates with whom he played football shocked. Metaloglobus Bucure'ti posted an emotional tribute to Luka on their Instagram just a few days ago, writing: “We are shocked and deeply saddened by this tragic loss. His love for football and his smile brought joy on the pitch.
“The player last appeared on the pitch wearing the Metaloglobus shirt on August 24, 2024 in the match against CS Afumati, playing 10 minutes as a substitute. After the game against CS Afumati, Luka complained of fatigue during training, which led to his suspension from training and a recommendation to undergo a thorough medical examination.
“Rest in peace dear “Mano”. Sincere condolences to the grieving family, the entire Metaloglobus family is with you in these tragic moments.”
Sourse: www.mirror.co.uk