Only three months ago, in July 2 0 1 9, for the first time brought small antelope dik (dikdik) to the zoo of Novosibirsk. Two females and one male were brought here from zoos in Moscow and Bratislava.
Pregnancy in wild diks lasts a little less than 6 months, so when the female gave birth to the first dik dik cub in the history of the Novosibirsk zoo the other day, it became clear that the baby was conceived in another zoo.
That is why the birth of the baby was a complete surprise for the zoo employees, they counted on this much later and did not know that the female had come to them with a “surprise.”
Dick-dick is an African antelope, in nature they live in areas of East Africa from Namibia to Somalia and reach this 3 0-4 0 cm in height and 5 0-7 0 cm in length. Sometimes wild deer are called deer, but they are antelopes.
Males and females are easiest to distinguish from species by small horns, females do not have them, and males have them and they are quite sharp. Also, with the appearance of females, it is slightly larger than males, while smaller males still dominate the group.
It is curious that dics create monogamous pairs, choosing only one partner for life. As in this case, the relationship between females and males in the Novosibirsk zoo is still difficult to say.
The photographs of the cub presented by the zoo are not visible, only adult wildlife are shown. The kid’s hiding behind the hay. Zoo employees additionally ask visitors not to scare the antelope and the cub. The dik-dick cub eats exclusively mother’s milk for the first two months. At the same time, it is completely tiny, weighs about 600 grams