Best-preserved dinosaur stomach ever found reveals ‘sleeping dragon’s’ last meal

The last meal of the 3,000-lb. (1,360
The last meal of the 3,000-lb. (1,360
A WOMAN who temporarily died claims to have seen Jesus Christ standing at the end of her bed in what she believes is proof of the Messiah. A woman who just gives her name as Darlene was critically ill having…
The undersea Hikurangi Plateau (outlined) has a greater area than the entire New Zealand mainland. About 120 million years ago, a gargantuan blob of hot rock detached from the edge of Earth’s core and oozed up toward the planet’s surface.…
A UFO has allegedly been spotted near to the International Space Station, with conspiracy theorists claiming aliens are using humanity as a “science project”. Alien enthusiasts were sent into a frenzy when a bright object could be seen floating in…
JESUS CHRIST is returning “soon” and the signs are there to prove it, a prominent Christian evangelist has astonishingly claimed. The Bible prophesies the return of Jesus Christ in the end days will herald great change across the face of…
Fragments of the dead sea scrolls photographed in a lab in Jerusalem, Israel in 2012. The Dead Sea Scrolls are made up of tens of thousands of manuscript fragments — mostly made of parchment, or animal skin. Now, scientists are…