Diamonds Buried 400 Miles Below Surface Could Explain Mysterious Earthquakes

The Cullinan diamond was mined in Premier Mine in South Africa in 190
The Cullinan diamond was mined in Premier Mine in South Africa in 190
Scientists analyzed ancient proteins in fossils from the enormous primate Gigantopithecus to identify its closest living relative. The mythical and elusive “Bigfoot” is a creature of legend, but for millions of years, the original Bigfoot — a shaggy, bipedal ape…
AN air crash investigator revealed why a team of researchers originally thought MH370 had been hit by a missile, stating in her book the claim was “never reported”. MH370 left Kuala Lumpur Airport on March 8, 2014, destined for Beijing, China…
AN ‘interesting’ structure has been found on the Moon and conspiracy theorists believe it is “100 percent” proof of alien life. Inside the Tycho crater, one of the Moon’s biggest craters and found in the southern hemisphere, conspiracy theorists believe…
A COMPANY in the United States is offering insurance in the eventual case of an alien abduction – and the firm has just added ‘Area 51 Coverage’ in light of the Facebook event. Almost two million people have signed up…
A panoramic image shows the Milky Way, our home galaxy. Nineteen newly discovered dwarf galaxies seem to be missing their dark matter, and physicists aren’t sure why. The find dramatically increases the number of galaxies that appear to be missing…