Why Do Ocean Animals Eat Plastic?
Whales with stomachs full of plastic have turned up around the world. Here’s what we know. WHY WOULD AN apex ocean predator eat gloves? Or rope? Or plastic cups? How does a whale end up with more than 90 kilograms…
Whales with stomachs full of plastic have turned up around the world. Here’s what we know. WHY WOULD AN apex ocean predator eat gloves? Or rope? Or plastic cups? How does a whale end up with more than 90 kilograms…
Millions of pounds of antimicrobials end up in livestock each year, seeping into the environment and harming species like dung beetles. SWOOPE, VIRGINIA – The cows on Bobby Whitescarver’s farm can wander through his lush pastures pretty much as they…
A program in Panama breeds, sterilises, and releases 20 million screwworm flies a week to protect livestock from flesh-eating larvae. This is how it works. JUST EAST OF the Panama Canal, tucked between patches of rainforest, farmers’ fields, and the…
The delicious scent of baking bread wafting out from the open doors of a nearby bakery can act like a time portal, instantly sweeping you from a busy street in New York to a tiny cafe in Paris that you…
Flu season is here, and it’s off to a strange start. The first unusual thing about this year’s flu season is how early it arrived. There are now 12 U.S. states reporting high levels of flu activity (mostly in the…
Dogs can bring a person happiness, love, laughter … and sometimes strange infections. Case in point: A woman in Israel was diagnosed with a bacterial infection that she likely contracted from innocent puppy licks, according to a new report. Last…