Selenium helps fight coronavirus
Mikhail BOGOMOLOV, President of the Russian Diabetes Association, answers questions from readers of the news portal World.
- Mikhail Vladimirovich, what are the main risks for people suffering from diabetes?
- The problem our patients face is primarily the problem of worse outcomes rather than a greater likelihood of infection with the virus. In China, for example, people with diabetes had a much higher incidence of serious complications and mortality than people without diabetes. COVID-19 is a more serious disease than seasonal influenza in everyone, including people with diabetes. All standard precautions to avoid infection, which are now much talked about, are even more important when working with this virus.
- As far as we know, the Russian Diabetes Association offers new methods of combating coronavirus.
- Yes, we paid special attention to the role of some substances in the prevention of COVID-19. This is primarily about selenium. At the end of the last century, Beck’s laboratory conducted studies that showed that selenium deficiency increases the virulence of RNA viruses. As a result, the virus mutates very intensively, which causes a more severe pathology. In fact, it provokes a disease.
This means that selenium, indeed, through potential immunomodulatory effects, can have a real impact on viral mutations and evolution. That is, to restrain or even stop the development of infection. And all older people who are in a difficult position and do not know how to protect themselves from coronavirus have the opportunity to take advantage of this organic and very economical way – to actively consume products with selenium.
- Mikhail Vladimirovich, let’s expand this list so that people understand how they can improve their health.
- People with diabetes, as a rule, lack vitamins В2, В6, В12, C, E, biotin, nicotinic acid, folic acid, calcium pantothenate, chromium, magnesium, zinc. B vitamins are needed for the prevention and treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy, E and C are relevant for maintaining antioxidant activity. Biotin is necessary for the correct exchange of fatty acids, leucine and for the synthesis of hepatic glycogen with the participation of insulin, it is involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins, amino acids.