Prehistoric Stone Blades Discovered in Arabian Desert

Stone blades dating back 80,000 years also provide information about the migration route of Homo sapiens from Africa to Asia.

K. Bretzke et al. Location of the archaeological site of Jebel Faya, where 80,000-year-old stone blades were recently found.

Together, the researchers developed an excavation plan that included moving sediment from the site’s trenches. Once the sediment was collected, it was analyzed using the Loss on Ignition method, which measures the change in weight of a sample after it is heated to high temperatures. This allowed the scientists to analyze the chemical composition of the rocks and determine their approximate age.

But the most significant find was the discovery of a cache of stone tools and blades – the earliest evidence to date of the systematic production of stone blades in the Arabian Peninsula.

Prehistoric tools and weapons found in sand

In their study, published in the journal Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, international researchers described the discovery of a vast collection of stone tools.


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