Brain teaser: Spot missing number in Olympic Rings Puzzle

An Olympic-inspired brain teaser is a perfect way to challenge your IQ and observation skills.

Challenge your IQ and observation skills with this Olympic Rings puzzle. Inspired by the iconic Olympic Rings, a brainteaser by Jagran Josh presents five rings, each containing a number.

These numbers are not random but are linked by a specific mathematical relationship. Your task is to uncover this relationship and determine the missing number that should replace the question mark.

This puzzle will test not only your ability to find the correct number but also your speed and accuracy in recognizing patterns and relationships.

Assess how quickly and accurately you can process the information. Set your timer and dive into the puzzle. Those who can solve this within the time limit likely have a high IQ, exceptional observation skills, and strong logical reasoning abilities.

Did you manage to find the answer yet? If not, here is the solution.

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    There are five rings. If we observe all the rings and the numbers, we have the following equations:

    => 13 + 17 = 30

    => 17 + 7 + 6 = 30

    => 7 + 12 + 11 = 30

    => 25 + 5 = 30

    The sum equals 30 in each case. Therefore, we know that the equation with the question mark will also equal 30.

    => 11 + 5 + ? = 30

    => 16 + x = 30

    => x = 30 – 16

    => x = 14

    Let us apply the value and check:

    => 11 + 5 + 14 = 30

    So the final answer is 14.

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