“My Neighbor Is Watching Me Through His Doorbell Camera – It's So Creepy”

The woman initiated a privacy discussion by expressing dissatisfaction with a neighbor who monitors her through a doorbell camera as she enters and exits her home.

She slammed her “weird” neighbor for spying on her through the device. She said the blue light on the doorbell becomes visible when the neighbor activates it through the synchronized equipment, although she believes he is unaware of it.

The woman pleaded with him to stop the surveillance, but he simply ignored her requests. On Mumsnet, she noted: “I've begged them to stop (the doorbell surveillance) but they keep watching me.

“They're clearly observing, not just reacting to movement, when the blue light comes on. They're not very tech-savvy, so I'm not sure they understand that the light is coming on.”

“I have several photos of their doorbell with the blue light on over the past months. Including a video of me asking the doorbell to stop watching me and seeing the blue and red lights turn off after my request.”

Feeling “under pressure,” she noted that this was not the only issue she had with her neighbors, as they had previously had disputes over the fence. Seeking advice, she asked users how best to handle the situation.

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In response, one user wrote: “Is it illegal for someone to see or watch you as you enter and leave your home? They wouldn't stalk you in your own home, would they? If someone was looking at you through a window, that would be the same thing, wouldn't it? I guess I'd just give you a big smile and wave!”

Another user added: “If you're on the street in front of your/their house, there's not much you can do about it? It's like the modern equivalent of pulling the curtain.” A third user said: “There's nothing you can do. It's like someone sitting by the window and watching people all day. This time through a camera. They're allowed to do that, you know.”

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    Another user added: “I think it's just the modern equivalent of looking out your window when something is going on outside your house. I bet they do it with every move, not just yours.”

    The last user said: “I live next to someone who constantly looks out the window and I feel so uncomfortable when I get in or out of my car. I can see her shadow moving behind the blinds. She pretends not to notice me when we meet in public. It's funny. I feel your pain.”

    Sourse: www.express.co.uk

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