Only people with top IQ’s can solve this riddle in under 10 seconds

A small percentage of people can solve this maths riddle, so give it a try.

Solving brainteasers can be a fun and stimulating way to enhance cognitive skills and problem-solving abilities.

Brainteasers often require unconventional thinking, so avoid making assumptions based on everyday logic and consider all possibilities.

One interesting riddle shared by GCSE Tutors challenges you to solve a tricky maths riddle. 

It is believed that only people with top IQs can solve this riddle in under 10 seconds.

So, set your timer on and start solving. 

READ MORE You’ve got 20/20 vision if you can find hiding duck without zooming in


    Many brainteasers involve recognising patterns or sequences, and it is better to identify these to find a solution.

    If you are stuck, try asking yourself questions about the problem to trigger new ways of thinking.

    The more you practice brainteasers, the better you will become at recognising patterns and employing effective strategies.

    So, did you manage to find the answers yet? If not, don’t worry. We have the answers ready for you in the picture above. 

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