Only the most eagle-eyed can spot the 10 blueberries in under 2 minutes

This one is particularly tricky as various objects match the hue of the blueberries, which are hidden amid a busy scene of people coming and going.

You’ve got eagle eyes if you can track down the 10 blueberries hidden in this image – within two minutes. Innocent Drinks shared the brainteaser as it launches its new “focus-enhancing” Blueberry Super Smoothie, challenging fans to hide the fruits scattered across the park.

This one is particularly tricky as various objects match the hue of the blueberries, which are hidden amid a busy scene of people coming and going.

Brainteaser masters use various techniques to make chin-scratchers like this easier for themselves. For example, you could try zooming into individual areas and closely scrutinise every nook and cranny before moving onto another part of the image.

Set a timer for two minutes, scroll down and see how many you can spot.

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According to the drinks maker, the average challenger took two-and-a-half minutes to locate the 10 blueberries, so don’t worry if you weren’t able to in the time limit.

The illustrator cleverly included various blue objects of a similar size which draw your gaze away from the superfood.

The fruits were also hidden all across the map in some unexpected areas, requiring puzzlers to think outside the box (or the park).

Scroll down to find out where the all the fruits were hidden!

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As you can see in the answers above, some of these were particularly tricky, with two of the runaway blueberries hidden outside the park (with one being carried on the bottom left, and one left on the pavement on the opposite side.

Though some a couple are lying on the ground and are pretty easy to spot, the rest blend into the scenery making for a tricky task.

If that brainteaser got the better of you, as there are many other games and puzzles you can play to keep you sharp.

A tricky brainteaser by VSO challenges you to spot the strawberry with the missing stem, but only those with 20/20 vision can find the odd one out.

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