Only the sharpest eyesight can spot the USB in 9 seconds

Brainteasers are a great way to stimulate the mind and provide the mind with some fun exercise.

Brainteasers are an excellent way to stimulate and invigorate the mind in a relaxing manner. They can come in different shapes and sizes, but the three main types are observational, analytical, and mathematical.

Mathematical brainteasers are tricky maths-based puzzles whilst analytical brainteasers come in the form of complicated written riddles.

What these have in common with observational brainteasers is they both need to be solved as quickly as possible.

Observational brainteasers, such as the one above by EarthWeb, start with a complex graphic or scene and within that scene, the user has to spot the anomaly.

In this case, the user’s task is to try and identify the missing USB in amongst a sea of tech-related paraphernalia.

READ MORE: Only those with the sharpest eyesight can spot the ants in under 15 seconds

The key to solving this brainteaser is to scan the image carefully from left to right and from top to bottom assessing each part of it carefully.

Did you spot the USB stick? No worries if not, it was circled above. It can be seen nestled to the left of the podcasting microphone on the left-hand side of the image.

Brainteasers such as this one may seem very easy, but they can help act as a form of light exercise in the same way jogging or walking can help gently exercise the muscles in the legs.

This contributes to neurological health and the healthier someone’s mind is the less likely someone may be to develop a condition such as dementia in the long term. This doesn’t mean that brainteasers will stop someone from developing dementia, other risk factors can have a more substantial impact, but they can help keep the mind sharper for longer.

DON’T MISS: Only those with high IQ can choose which cup will fill first in just 8 seconds [BRAINTEASER]


    Dementia is one of the most devastating conditions in the UK and the world. Every year thousands of people are diagnosed and die from the condition, putting a massive burden on families who endure a difficult experience after the diagnosis.

    However, while there is no cure, no treatments are being developed and have started to make their way through to patients. Despite this, a report released last year found that the number of people living with the condition could rise to 1.7m by 2040, 40 percent greater than the previous estimate.

    In a statement following the report, the chief medical officer at Alzheimer’s Research UK, Professor Jonathan Schott said: “Decades of hard work have brought us to a tipping point – particularly with the first new Alzheimer’s drugs in over 20 years finally on the horizon.

    “We’re also seeing revolutionary new diagnostics showing real promise, with blood tests for Alzheimer’s now poised to enter the clinic. So, while the findings of this report are concerning, there is hope and optimism on the horizon too.”

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