Only those with the sharpest eyes can spot the carrot in 5 seconds or less

Brainteasers like this one are great for stimulating the mind be it on a long journey or whilst sitting in a waiting room.

There are a myriad number of ways to keep oneself entertained on the journey to see family this weekend as people head away to see their families for Easter.

Some may choose to read a book, others listen to music, or many will look out of the window from their moving train or car. Some, however, may choose to stimulate their minds with a brainteaser.

There are several types of brainteasers, the most common of these is the observational brainteaser. An observational brainteaser is one in which the user has to spot an anomaly in an image in the shortest amount of time possible.

In the case of this carrot-based brainteaser by Jagran Josh, it is finding the odd carrot out. In the graphic above there are a series of carrots, and your task is to find the only carrot that is different from all the others in under five seconds.


    Did you spot the correct carrot? No worries if not, it is highlighted in the graphic above. The difference between this carrot and the others is the number of green shoots coming out from the top.

    Whilst the other carrots have five shoots emanating from their surface, this carrot has just four. This brainteaser is just one of many it is possible to try and one of many that could provide some necessary exercise for the mind.

    The reason why this is important is that brainteasers and other brain puzzles such as crosswords or sudokus act like exercise for the brain in the same way swimming, running or cycling does so for the arms or legs.

    The more the brain is stimulated in this way, the sharper it will be and the less likely it is to suffer any unnecessary cognitive decline. This isn’t to say that brainteasers will stop someone from developing dementia or any other condition, other factors such as lifestyle can play a much bigger role, but they can act as a small way to potentially increase a brain’s sharpness.

    Aside from observational brainteasers, the other two most common types are mathematical and analytical brainteasers. Mathematical brainteasers ask someone to solve a maths-based question whilst analytical brainteasers ask the user to solve a riddle.

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