9 Best Things to See in the Night Sky with Binoculars

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Looking up at the night sky is amazing, but when you add binoculars, the heavens begin to reveal themselves in breathtaking detail. Star clusters twinkle, distant galaxies become visible, and nebulae glow. There are also several eclipses approaching that will require detailed viewing, such as the total lunar eclipse on March 13-14.

Choose a pair of the best binoculars for astronomy — 8×42, 7×50, or 10×50, or similar — and you'll gain access to a new level of night sky. Here's what you can see with binoculars from February to April.

If you want to take an even closer look at the night sky, the best telescopes will offer you this unique opportunity.

9 Things to See with Binoculars from February to April 2025 The Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse

The total lunar eclipse on March 13-14 is a great target for binoculars.

The lunar surface itself is a great target for binoculars, with dark areas and ancient lava fields known as maria easily visible. You can view the Moon at any time—best shortly after sunset between new and full moons—but don’t miss the total lunar eclipse on March 13–14, 2025, if you’re in North or South America. At that time, the lunar surface will turn a reddish-pink for about 65 minutes (hence the term “blood moon”).

Pleiades (M45)

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