Only those with a high IQ can spot the hidden butterfly in 13 seconds

Can you spot the hidden butterfly in 13 seconds or less?

Brainteasers are a great way to stimulate the mind and give the brain some much-needed exercise.

While brainteasers and brain puzzles can come in many different shapes and sizes, there are three common types which continuously arise, observational, analytical, and mathematical brainteasers.

Analytical brainteasers are tricky written riddles which ask the user to solve the word puzzle as quickly as possible whilst mathematical brainteasers are complicated maths questions.

Observational brainteasers, such as the one above by SunLife, start with a busy image and challenge the user to spot the anomaly within as quickly as possible. The task with this brainteaser is to spot the butterfly among the flowers.

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Did you spot the butterfly? No worries if not, it is circled above in the right-hand corner of the image. The key to solving this brainteaser is to scan the image from left to right and top to bottom to identify the anomaly hidden within.

Brainteasers such as this one act as a form of fun exertion for the mind in the same way that running, cycling or swimming help exercise the muscles in the arms and legs and contribute to overall health.

Brainteasers can help stimulate the mind and potentially maintain neurological sharpness. The sharper the mind remains in the long run the less likely someone may be to develop a degenerative condition such as dementia.

This doesn’t mean doing brainteasers can stop someone from developing dementia, other risk factors can have a much bigger impact, but they could help keep the mind more engaged for longer.

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    If you want to try more brainteasers from, click here.

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