Two new mammal species were discovered after researchers decided to conduct DNA tests. As a result, it was possible to establish genetic differences.
Australian scientists from Australia have discovered two new species of a large flying possum (or giant flying couscous). The discovery was made using D N A testing, writes The West Australian.
A large flying possum is a marsupial mammal from the family of ring-tailed possums. This is the largest marsupial animal capable of soaring. These possums live on the east coast of Australia and feed on eucalyptus leaves.
For a long time it was believed that a larger glider, a marsupial animal the size of a possum is not a separate species.
James Cook University graduate student Denise MacGregor studied these animals and concluded that there were genetic d i f f e r n c e s.
“The division of the large flying possum into s e v e r a l species emphasizes how little information we have about the fauna of Australia,” said researcher Kara Youngentob, adding that this is a sensational scientific discovery, since not every day n e w mammals are confirmed, let alone two new ones.
Possums are listed as endangered species.