A nine-year-old boy had his face 'ripped off' by two huskies in a vicious attack as he helped his father

WARNING: DANGEROUS CONTENT: Nine-year-old Valya Korolev was helping his father with the chores when he was attacked by two dogs, “disfiguring his face” in Krasnodar, Russia.

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A little boy's face was 'torn off' in a horrific dog attack and he was rushed to hospital where doctors are trying to reattach his nose.

Valya Korolev, nine, was carrying a broom to his father to help him clear snow from his car when the animals attacked. Neighbours rushed to find his father, Valentin Korolev, 48, who was unaware of the horrific incident.

Following the incident, the boy was taken to hospital in Krasnodar, Russia. Horribly, parts of the boy's face were found in the dogs' stomachs, including his nose, and were flown to the hospital by helicopter so doctors could try to reattach them.

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The boy's father, Valentin Korolev, 48, said: “It's hard, very hard. My son is in [a hospital in] Krasnodar now. He has no face, he really has no face.

“The dogs ate him from his eyes to his lower lip. Honestly, I don't know what to say. The facial fragments we extracted from the dogs are being sent by helicopter to Krasnovodsk.

My son came down to me with a broom to clear the snow from the car. He didn't make it, I waited and waited. Then the neighbors told me: “Run here, your son was attacked by huskies and his face was torn apart.” They called an ambulance, the police.”

He complained that law enforcement initially ignored his request, supported by the chief doctor, to remove facial parts from two huskies belonging to his neighbors in the village of Lesnoye. The source said: “The boy is in critical condition. He has had his first operation. If he survives, he will need years of plastic surgery because of the dog attack.”

The incident marks the third horrific dog attack in Russia in recent days, with a pack of strays killing a nine-year-old girl. Regional and mid-sized governments are struggling to control dangerous animals after losing money to finance Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine.

In a shocking separate incident in Stavropol, Veronika Kurilenko, also nine, was captured on disturbing video being surrounded by stray dogs. She fell once and got up waving her arms and screaming for help.

She slipped again and was immediately grabbed by dogs while walking home through the trees after sledding. She was “torn apart by a pack of dogs” and died at the scene, according to reports.

The man tried to save the girl, firing a gun to scare off the attacking dogs, but it was too late. The unnamed girl's funeral, attended by more than 100 mourners, was filled with despair.

Messages of condolence poured in for the girl's grief-stricken mother Oksana, 36, an events organiser who lost her only child. In another horrific incident, a Rottweiler was captured on video after attacking a mother and her five-year-old son in the snow in Yekaterinburg.

The dog bit the mother's arms, but she managed to shield the child with her body when the enraged Rottweiler bared its teeth nearby. Neighbors honked their cars and shouted to scare the dog when it threatened to attack again.

Sourse: www.mirror.co.uk

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