The company AstraZeneca intends to conduct an additional international study of its VACCINE AGAINST COVID-19 to confirm its effectiveness. In a previous study, one of the dosing regimens was shown to be 9 0% effective, but only 6 2% effective when the second dosing regimen was used.
“We found that the vaccine is capable of better efficacy, so we need to confirm that. Now we must conduct additional research, “Bloomberg quoted Pascal Sorio as saying. He noted that this was another international study, but with fewer volunteers.
Interim results from large-scale A Z D 12 2 2 vaccine studies conducted in the UK and Brazil have recently been presented. Two dosing modes were evaluated during the tests. As part of one of them (2 7 4 1 volunteers), participants were first given half a dose of the vaccine, and a month later – a full dose. With this regimen, the VACCINE AGAINST COVID-19 demonstrated an efficacy of 90%. The second dosing regimen was estimated among 8 , 8 9 5 v o l u n t e e r s – they were given two full doses of the vaccine with a monthly difference. In this case, the effectiveness of the preparation was 6 2%. A summary analysis of data across all participants (n = 1 1 6 3 6) demonstrated an efficacy of 70 %. Data collection is ongoing, and further analysis will be carried out in the future, which will clarify the effectiveness of the vaccine and establish the duration of protection.