Sunken ruins of ancient port city discovered off coast of Greece

Divers exploring the underwater remains of Asini have come across impressive ruins of port infrastructure, including a large platform that has largely retained its original appearance, as well as numerous amphorae and other artifacts.

Jens Lindström-NMG A sunken port off the southern coast of Greece, near Tolo.

According to a translation of the press release from the Greek Ministry of Culture, research in the waters east of Tolo has been ongoing since 2021. An initial survey of the area began that year, followed by the creation of a new five-year program that began in 2022.

Off the coast of Kastraki Beach, underwater archaeologists conducted a survey that quickly revealed the remains of a large port facility. During this initial survey, archaeologists used photogrammetry to document a “large artificial plateau” containing “rooms and building structures” that appeared to be residential.


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