Treasure Chest Full of Nazi Silver Found in 14th Century Castle in Poland

The chest itself has fallen into disrepair and become covered in rust, but the precious items inside remain in perfect condition – and are now being prepared for exhibition.

Nowy Sącz Historical and Research SocietyNowy Sącz was destroyed by Polish soldiers a few years later. Only the outer walls and the reconstructed keep remained.

The research team found a total of 103 silver objects, including everyday items such as cups and cutlery. The Nowy Sacz Historical and Research Society currently assumes that these items were made in Austria or Poland.

“This is Judaica, probably from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, associated with Jewish ritual and probably buried during World War II,” said local archaeologist Bartolomei Urbanski.

However, questions remain about the origin of the treasure. “Is it connected to the buildings that used to be in this part of the city, or was it stolen by the Germans who were unable to remove it?”

Historical Research Society of the City


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