There are several contenders for the title of the saltiest lakes.
The Dead Sea
This lake is called the sea, although in fact it is not. It is drainless and has no outlet to the ocean. The Dead Sea is quite small in size. 76 kilometers long and 18 kilometers wide. It is located on the border with Israel and Jordan. From here and the name of the only river that flows into it, the Jordan. The temperature on this sea almost never drops below 40 °C. Water evaporates, and salts accumulate for centuries. Also, a sufficient number of mineral springs flow into the Black Sea. As a result, the accumulation of salts is 28%. In some places it even reaches 30%. Salt columns are formed from the salt solution drying at high temperature. It is located on the south side of the sea.
The waters of the Dead Sea are dead. Due to too high a percentage of salt in it, fish and other living organisms do not survive. Nothing grows even on the coast. And the water looks more like a swamp than water like in other seas. It is thick and oily.
It is impossible to drown in such a sea, it is also impossible to swim. Water is pushed to the surface due to the large amount of salt. A person can only lie on the surface of the water.
Lake Don Juan
There is another lake on the glacial continent of Antarctica, which is also among the saltiest lakes in the world. Named after the people who became the discoverers. Don Ro and John Hickey.
This lake is also not very large in size. The depth is not more than 10 cm. And the size is no more than 300 meters long and 100 meters wide. The water also evaporates quickly enough, but thanks to the underwater waters, the lake simply decreases, and does not dry out completely. The lake is salty due to the high concentration of salt in sedimentary rocks, the air is very dry, for this reason, water evaporates faster. There is 40% salt in the water, which is even more than in the Black Sea.
Lake Elton
Also one of the saltiest lakes. It is located in Russia, on the border with Kazakhstan. Its dimensions are already larger than the previous two. It is one of the largest mineral lakes in Europe by area (152 km2). The depth is tiny compared to the area. And it depends on the time of year. Only 5-7 cm in summer and up to 1.5 m in spring.
Lake Baskunchak
The salinity of the lake is 37%. And the area is 100 km2. This lake is a depression on the salt mountain. The salt lake contains sources, thanks to which nutrition occurs. The whole surface is solid salt. Due to the fact that the lake is considered the saltiest, salt is even mined here.Due to the fact that this is one of the saltiest lakes, salt is even mined here.