Former CIA agent claims there was life on Mars and saw 'bones' on the surface

Joe McMonigle Claims He Seen 'Bones' on the Surface of Mars (Photo: YouTube/Jesse Michels)

An individual who calls himself a former CIA agent claims to have witnessed evidence of life on Mars.

Joe McMonigle calls himself a “remote viewer,” claiming he can receive information about distant objects or events using his mind's abilities.

As a retired US Army chief warrant officer, he claims that he and other so-called remote viewers participated in experiments conducted by US Army Intelligence and the Stanford Research Institute.

He was one of the first to be recruited into the Stargate Project, which operated from 1978 to 1995, making him known as “Remote Viewer Number 1”.

The project was shut down and declassified in 1995 after a CIA report concluded that “no significant benefit was established.”

However, last week Joe appeared on the American Alchemy podcast and made some bold claims about what he apparently observed on Mars during the May 22, 1984 experiment.

Join Jesse Michels on today's episode of American Alchemy, where he sits down with the legendary Joe McMonigle, the CIA's #1 remote viewer who played a key role in the highly classified Stargate program, where he used remote viewing to penetrate the world's deepest intelligence secrets. His sessions pinpointed undetectable nuclear submarines, exposed secret Soviet weapons programs, and provided life-saving intelligence during high-risk missions in Vietnam and Europe, for which he received the Legion of Merit.
Joe believes there was some kind of extinction event on Mars that left bones on the planet's surface (Photo: YouTube/Jesse Michels)

He claims his instructors gave him a white card with coordinates and the words “Mars 1,000,000 BC” written on it, after which he saw a huge pyramid, larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, with “massive rooms inside.”

Joe said on the podcast: “I started having images of people trapped in a place where the atmosphere was getting worse.”

“Obviously these people were dying for some reason, but they were people. They were just twice our size.”

He believed that “very tall, slender” people in “strange clothing” were seeking shelter inside the pyramids from a powerful storm raging on Mars.

Joe described the rooms as follows: “Different rooms… but they're almost devoid of any… furniture or anything. It's more like… a strictly functional place for sleeping – or, that's not quite the right word, hibernation, some form.”

Join Jesse Michels on today's episode of American Alchemy, where he sits down with the legendary Joe McMonigle, the CIA's #1 remote viewer who played a key role in the highly classified Stargate program, where he used remote viewing to penetrate the world's deepest intelligence secrets. His sessions pinpointed undetectable nuclear submarines, exposed secret Soviet weapons programs, and provided life-saving intelligence during high-risk missions in Vietnam and Europe, for which he received the Legion of Merit.
He claims to have seen huge pyramidal structures on Mars (Photo: YouTube/Jesse Michels)

Joe later saw negative images of the areas of Mars he was asked to explore remotely and claimed to have noticed “bones and buildings” on the planet's surface.

He hypothesized that “a large object passed through our solar system” that stripped Mars of its atmosphere, leading to the extinction of extraterrestrial life on the planet.

A 1984 CIA document describing a remote viewing session that has since been declassified goes on to explain Joe's observations of “ancient people.”

“Their time and age have already passed,” he told the instructor.


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